Chris has won numerous awards and has paintings in private collections throughout New England. Her paintings were chosen by the International Association of Pastel Societies as one of eight finalists worldwide in two of the IAPS cover competitions and placed First in Pastels in the Richeson 75 Landscape Show, WI. Her paintings "Red on 5th" and "Salt" were chosen as two of Pastel Journal's Top 100.


She was inducted into the IAPS Master Circle of Pastelists. She was juried into PaintAmerica's Top 100 Artists for 2008 & 2010 with shows that traveled the country for next two years visiting Galleries and Museums. Chris has been published in Best of American Artists Pastel Edition, Practiqué des Arts (a French publication featuring artists from around the world), American Art Collector Magazine, The Pastel Journal and was honored with the Art Spirit Foundation Silver Medal Award for Excellence in Pastel at the Salmagundi Club in NYC.

Chris attained a BFA in painting and two dimensional design from Hartford Art School in 1973 and found work in the advertising field for the last 40 years. She has been Creative Director at numerous ad agencies and in 1986 broke off on her own to start her own company. She works with artists in that cross-over world of fine art and digital photography to teach them how to better promote themselves.


After raising four daughters, Chris returned to her passion and works in pastels and oils. She is the Past-President of the CT Pastel Society where she also holds Signature Artist Membership. Chris is also a Master Pastelist of the Pastel Society of America, an Elected Artist Member at Lyme Art Association. Allied Artists of America, Audubon Artists, and with Academic Artists of America. Other memberships are with CT Women Artists, Salmagundi Club NYC, and numerous other art organizations.

She is a former member of the PSA Board of Governors and is the current Vice President of IAPS.


Chris and her husband David live in Central Connecticut.

"Alone in Prague," Pastel on Wallis Belgium Mist

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